Friday, July 31, 2015

Focus International Human Rights Foundation
 (Focus Foundation)
The Name of the Organization   :
 “Focus International Human Rights Foundation” (Focus Foundation)
Short Name of the Organization  : And “In Short” the name and style of “Focus International Human Rights Foundation” will be prominently introduced as “Focus Foundation”.
Address of the Registered Head Office/Head Quarter : During Registration; the Head Office of the Focus Foundation will be Head Quartered and it’s activities will be continued from the address below :
Ka-61/3/A, Jogonnathpur,
Saudi Mosjid Road, Nodda,
Baridhara, Dhaka-1212,
Contact Details :             Tel  : (88-02) 55050215    
      Fax  : (88-02)55050215
Cell : (88) 01552330729.
Contact Person : The Chairman, Focus Foundation.
Working/Operational Area : The area of Works, Operations and Activities of the Foundation Shall Cover whole of Bangladesh and the World.
Type and Nature of the Foundation : It is a Non-Political, Non-Profit, Charitable, Voluntary, Humanistic, Beneficial, Socio-Economic and Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGDO).
Mission : To promote a progressive and strong community based Worldwide Activities for One and All the Disadvantaged Children-Youths-Women and Old People enabling them to mobilize resources from and within the Governments and Development Agencies and to guide them for the Peace-Progress and Prosperity and to work together for sustainable Developments.
Vision            : To empower the vulnerable people of the society to fight against hunger, poverty, unemployment and environmental degradation and to stay strong against War, Aggression, Terrorism, Torture, Violence, Cruelty, Unrest, Crime and Corruptions, Lack of Transparency and Accountability and much more; which are considered as tremendous Challenges to the human life and their basic livelihoods. This should lead to establishment of conditions in favor of sustainable developments of the General Citizen and marginalized sections of the society.
The Goals, Targets and Planning of the Foundation:
To promote, provide, perform, participate, activate, cooperate, assist, support, arrange, manage, execute, conduct, coordinate, organize, and undertake Programs, Projects, and Activities for Enabling the Focus Foundation-
To Open the Doors of Relationships, Make Networking, Strengthen the Bridges of Friendships, Shift Thinking, Spark Collaborations, Explore Possibilities, Share Knowledge and Experiences, Find Opportunities, Exchange Ideas and Views, Discover Innovations, Provide Information, Extend Communications, Enhance Co-operations, Establish Solidarities, Transfer Technologies, Create Employment, Undertake Ventures-Adventures and Initiatives, Release Hunger and Poverty, Remove Discriminations, Eliminate Distress, Protect Humanity, Prevent Unrest and Cruelty, Implement Human Rights, Uphold History and Heritage, Ensure Transparency and Accountability, Achieve Developments, Spread Peace-Progress-Prosperity-Happiness and much more and also Empowering the People throughout  the Nations around the Globe unitedly through Bonding.
Focus Foundation shall promote, provide, participate, activate, cooperate, assist, support, arrange, manage, supervise, conduct, coordinate, execute, organize, and undertake strategically important activities and will perform as an Striking Force, Associate Power, Development Partner and as a whole one of the Vital Helping Hands of the Concerned Governments to achieve implementations of the aims, objectives, strategies and planning of the National Development and the LIFE and LIVELIHOOD of its Citizens and especially for the Youths, Women, Children, Old and Adolescents and Indigenous People, Persons, Individuals with Disabilities and the Underprivileged, Disadvantaged, Distressed populations of different social and economic sectors of the Rural, Urban and Tribal areas in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the World through their active participations in the field of Law and Order, Good-Governance, Food Security, Clothing, Habitation, Education, Health, Social Welfare and Social Security etc. including all Universal, Fundamental and overall Human Rights and Positive Changes of Socio-Economic, Science and Technology, Trade-Commerce and Industry, Information and Communications and Extensive Progress of Natural Digester Management and Recovery-Restoration, Natural Resources Management, Infrastructural, Agricultural, Environmental and Massive Improvements of Judicial, Arts-Literatures-Sports, Cultural, Intellectual, Democratic, Humanistic and Civic Setups and for the proper Protections of the Animals, Natures and Environments and as well as to prevent and remain strong and to take Rapid Actions against Crime, Corruptions, War, Aggression, Terrorism, Torture, Cruelty, Rape, Unrest and much more irrespective of all concerned and participating Countries and Nations Without Any Boundary.
To implement the Development Programs of the Governments through Focus Foundation.
To promote, provide, perform, participate, activate, cooperate, assist, support, arrange, manage, execute, conduct, coordinate, organize, undertake and work together under the Same Umbrella and gradually to obtain their Alliance-ships, Affiliations, Associations and Memberships of reputed and helpful Local, National, Regional and International Organizations, Bodies, Professionals and Trade Associations including the Federations, Confederations, Forums and Platforms of same nature and same manners; such as Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission, United Nations Human Rights Organization, International Federation For Human Rights, Asian Human Rights Commission, Youth For Human Rights Int’l, and UNO, UNDP, UNVO, UNRRA, ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, UNPF, FAO, WFP, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNIC and SAARC, ASEAN, Commission of the European Union, Common Wealth, International Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies, World Bank, ASOCIO, WITSA, ADB, IDB, ICCI, JETRO, CETRA, JCI, giz, and AVARD, WTO, ITO, ITC, ITAA, WFP, IOM, PPD, SPCA, WWF (WFN), ICAO, IATA, ATAB, TIB, ADAB, NGO Forum, PKSF, FBCCI, DCCI, NASCIB, SME Foundation, BCS, BASIS, CAB, TOAB, etc. for achieving the common interests of all concerned and some more useful, brotherly, friendly and associate organizations, institutions, links, forums and platforms to exchange the Ideas and Views, share Knowledge and Experiences and to attain the implementations of the Goals, Targets, Planning Strategies, Aims, Objectives and Initiatives of this Foundation.To promote, provide, perform, participate, activate, cooperate, assist, support, arrange, manage, execute, conduct, coordinate, organize, undertake “Total and Overall Poverty Alleviation” Programs, Projects, and Initiatives through adequate Social Revolutionary Activities to achieve and implement the targets to these effects. Focus Foundation shall engage in Income Generating programs, projects, activities, Initiatives, Enterprises and Ventures; but NONE of the income shall be distributed among the Members who shall render voluntary services. The income will be utilized for execution and implementation of the goals, targets, planning, strategies, aims, and objectives of this Foundation. Focus Foundation shall be a Non-Political, Socio-Economic and Voluntary organization and Shall Not to be used for the benefit of any particular person, people, religion, community, caste, nation, or country.